Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sewer guys and I have the same sense of humor

Got the sewer done today.  James Reynolds sewer company -- they're great.  I'd list their site here, but I'm not sure if they even have a website...  anyway, google them and hire them if you're in need of sewer repair in  the Portland metro area.

And if you ever get a chance to hang out with guys that work on sewers, take the day off from work, because they are hillarious.

While checking our sewer, they found a baby's pacifier.  In the sewer line.  I asked if they had seen weirder stuff and without missing a beat, they said "oh yeah -- really weird stuff.  Go tell your coworkers that you spent the morning watching dirty movies with a couple construction guys"  get it?  Dirty movies?  Sewers?  Feces?   I wanna hang out with these guys!

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